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108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB

Description: THE LARGEST, BEST, OLD & RARE On eBAY On USB THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WARMANUSCRIPTS(LETTERS, DOCUMENTS, ORDERS, RECEIPTS & OTHER MATERIALS) Volume 1(1775) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HISTORY GENEALOGY NAMES RECORDS 108 Manuscripts (LETTERS, DOCUMENTS, ORDERS, RECEIPTS & OTHER MATERIALS) Names, Records, Historical, Genealogical and Biographical information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As primary source material, these Manuscripts, Letters & Documents are from the time period of 1775 and they are without a question the most complete and impartial documentation on the American Revolutionary War. ************************* They provide a foundation for serious research into virtually every aspect of The American Revolutionary War ************This extensive collection of Manuscripts, Letters & Documents from the American Revolutionary War Era provide a more accurate picture of this historical period of American History. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unprecedented Record of The American Revolution War EraAn essential resource for Genealogists and American Revolutionary War History Enthusiasts Now this amazing collection have been professionally compiled in high quality and preserved forever in file format on USB This is without doubt an essential reference library for The American Revolutionary War history enthusiasts. ********It is nearly impossible to find all these OLD & RARE documents in any form and if found they would cost a fortune! ____________________ Many of these OLD & RARE documents date back to the 1700s and all of their content is just as impressive today as it was then. You can READ, TRANSFER, COPY, CUT, PASTE, SAVE & ZOOM IN on any text, diagrams or illustrations. The pictures you see in this auction were taken from this USB This USB can be read on your Windows or MAC Computer or Laptop ************ The Complete List of the Documents A list of colonels in Cambridge Camp & the number of men each regiment contains; which drew provisions on ye 10th of July (1775) Account of powder taken from town stores (1775) Bill for the State of Massachusetts Bay from the Selectmen of the town of Bridgewater for conveying powder, by Richards, Josiah (1775) Bill submitted to Col. Enoch Poor for supplies, by Poor, Enoch (1775) Bill to Colony of Massachusetts Bay for services, by Glover, Jonathan (1775) Bill to Joseph Warren for lumber, by May & Williams; Warren, Joseph (1775) Bill to Massachusetts for attending wounded British Soldiers of 59th Regt, by Fisk, Joseph (1775) Certificate that William Pollard has been for some time in the service of the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a carpenter, by Pigeon, John (1775) Declaration of Intentions selling horse to British prior to Battle of Concord & sentiments concerning spreading rumors of Negro revolt with Katherine, wife of Jonathan Adams (1775) Diary of Joseph Meriam of Grafton] a Soldier discussing deserters, camp routines at Cambridge, Indian troops, prayer meetings and rumors, by Meriam, Jose (1775) Document admitting imprudence in selling a horse to British before battle of Concord and in spreading rumors of Negro revolt, by Adams, Elisha (1775) Document admitting imprudence in selling a horse to British before battle of Concord and in spreading rumors of Negro revolt, by Adams, Elisha; Medway (1775) Document allowing Elisha Adams another hearing on charges of disloyalty to America and promising appeal, if necessary, to General Thomas, by Partridge, Joshua (1775) Document asking for cartridge papers for Bridge's regiment, by Row, John (1775) Document asking for cartridges for Capt. Roby, by Smith, Isaac (1775) Document asking for cartridges, boxes, and paper for Captain Gerrish, by Little, Moses (1775) Document asking for oil for Serj. Claflin, by Mellen, James (1775) Document asking for paper and cartridges for his company under Col. John Nixon, by Winship, Ebenezer (1775) Document asking Major Barber for cartridges for Col. Paterson's regiment, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document authorizing Ł100 for delegates to Continental Congress, by Lincoln, Benjamin (1775) Document authorizing Maj. Nathaniel Barber to deliver 350 cartridges and 30 flints to Capt. Eliphalet Dinsmore, by Prescott, William (1775) Document authorizing Major Nathaniel Barber to deliver 400 weight of musket balls to Connecticut troops, by Ward, Artemas (1775) Document by John Pitts requesting Medway Selectmen to pay County Treasurer tax revenues withheld from Provincial Treasurer until colony's constitution is settled, by Pitts, John (1775) Document certifies that Mr. Sims delivered one wagon load of provisions to the Minute Company in Cambridge, by Buckminster, William (1775) Document declaring his loyalty to America but criticizing riots, by Hamant, Timothy (1775) Document declaring his loyalty to America but deploring riots, by Adams, Elisha (1775) Document for general orders asking Capt. Foster to deliver balls and flints to Capt. Smith, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for general orders asking the Commissary to deliver for Capt. Cushing an allowance of rum, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for general orders asking the Commissary to deliver rum to the bearer, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for general orders asking the Commissary to give rum to the bearer, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for general orders requests Major Barber to deliver ammunition to Col. Reed's regiment of New Hampshire, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for Major Barber asking for ammunition for Lieut. Bridge, by Whetcomb, Asa (1775) Document for Major Barber asking for balls and flints, by Crawford, Abner (1775) Document for Major Barber asking for cartridges for Capt. Saunders, by Ward, Artemas (1775) Document for return of rounds and flints for Capt. Joseph Butler's company, by Butler, Joseph (1775) Document for the Commissary, General Ward ordering that the bearer be supplied with one quart of oil, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document for the Medway Committee of Correspondence declaring his sentiments as to the acts of the British Parliament, by Cutler, Jonathan (1775) Document for the Storekeeper, Mr. Cheever, to supply Benjamin G. William with of OLD & RARE iron, saved out of a vessel burnt at Chelsea, for the use of colony armorer, by Watson, Abraham (1775) Document from the Massachusetts Committee of Safety authorizing Maj. Nathaniel Barber to release 2 barrels of gunpowder, by White, Benjamin (1775) Document from the Massachusetts Provincial Congress approving payment of 100 to Samuel Langdon as President of Harvard College, by Warren, James (1775) Document needing rounds of powder and ball, by Longley, Robert (1775) Document of general orders requests Major Barber to supply Major Hale with pick axes for the New Hampshire forces, by Ward, Joseph (1775) Document of the Medway Committee of Correspondence, by Partridge, Joshua (1775) Document ordering rum for James Blodgett's men on fatigue duty, by Chase, Thomas (1775) Document permitting Gov. Hutchinson's trunks to pass from Milton to Boston,by Massachusetts. Committee of Safety; Thomas, John (1775) Document regarding provision return for Capt. Timothy Corey's company, by Cummings, Thomas G; Corey, Timothy (1775) Document requesting 600 cartridges for Capt. Jeremiah Gilman's company, by Nixon, John (1775) Document requesting Clerk of Stores to deliver 1 piece of Russian linen to Drs. John Homans and Timothy Childs, by Craigie, Andrew (1775) Document to Aaron Blaney at Roxbury Camp records delivery of supplies to Col. Learned, by Chase, Thomas (1775) Document to Aaron Blaney concerning delivered supplies for Adjutant General Samuel Brewer, by Chase, Thomas (1775) Document to any officer of the Ordnance Store saying he has sent a half ton of iron and desires them to keep it until further notice, by Gridley, Richard (1775) Document to Capt. Cheever asking for cartridges for Capt. Hatch's company in Col. Gardner's regiment, by Bond, William (1775) Document to Capt. Ezekiel Cheever asking for cartridges for the use of Capt. Bownes' company, by Bond, William (1775) Document to Capt. Ezekiel Cheever asking that cartridges be delivered to Ensign Richardson for his company in the late Col. Gardner's regiment, by Cook, Phinehas (1775) Document to Capt. Ezekiel Cheever requesting a pouch, and a supply of paper and cartridges for Ensign Richardson, by Cook, Phinehas (1775) Document to Capt. Foster of his clerk asking him to deliver Mr. Brown one box of cartridges, by Gridley, Scarboro (1775) Document to Capt. Foster officer at Watertown asking to receive six horses from Mr. Fessenden to put them to pasture in the land belong to Major Vassal, by Gridley, Scarboro (1775) Document to Capt. Foster, Clerk at Watertown, asking for ammunition for Capt. Callender's company, by Gridley, Scarboro (1775) Document to Capt. Foster's clerk at Watertown requesting him to deliver the two four-pounders to Mr. Brown, by Gridley, Scarboro (1775) Document to Captain Foster asking for powder, balls, and flint for Capt. Hubbard, by Ward, Artemas (1775) Document to Commissary of Ordnance Stores asking for ammunition and flints for three men, by Stacy, William (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever asking for cartridges, by Gerrish, Samuel (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever asking for powder and ball, by Glover, John (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever asking him to give the Quartermaster the articles recommended, by Phinney, Edmund (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever asks for a cartridge box for the use of a man in Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regiment, by Wilder, Abel (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever asks him to give the quarter-master the usual quantity of oil, by Doolittle, Ephraim (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever requesting cartridges and flints for Capt. Fuller,by Bond, William (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever, 1734-1806, asking for flints for Captain Brown's company, by Buttrick, John (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever, Esq. asking for balls and flints for Col. Leighton, by Scamman, James (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever, Esq. asking for bottle of oil for the use of his company, by Moors, Joseph (1775) Document to Ezekiel Cheever, Esq. asking for powder, flints, and paper for Lieut. Jonathon Houghton, by Sawyer, Ephraim (1775) Document to General Ward at headquarters in Cambridge requesting cartridges sent by Serg. Hall, by Hall, Isaac (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for ammunition for Capt. Brown's company, by Putnam, Ezra; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for ammunition for Lieut. Heywood, by Whitney, Josiah (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for balls and flints and paper for Capt. Harris, by Bond, William (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for bullets for Lieut. Warren, by Ward, Artemas (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridge paper for Capt. James Mellen, (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridge paper for Capt. Moore, by Nixon, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridge paper for Ephraim Grant, per order of Col. Paterson, by Goodrich, William; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges and flints for Adjutant Green, by Prescott, William (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges and flints for Nathaniel Wade, by Little, Moses (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges and flints for William Martin, by Whetcomb, Asa (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges and flints for William Martin, by Whetcomb, Asa; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges and flints, by Whitney, Josiah (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges for Capt. Butler's company, by Nixon, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges for Capt. Prince, by Mansfield, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges for Jacob Gerrish and makes arrangements for a receipt, by Little, Moses (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for cartridges, flints, and paper for Captain McCobb, by Ward, Artemas (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for flints for Capt. Smith's company, by Buttrick, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for flints for the bearer, by Prescott, William (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and ball for the use of his regiment, by Prescott, William (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and ball, by Moore, David (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and ball, flints, and cartridge paper, by Sawyer, Ephraim; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and balls for Lieut. Whitney, by Robinson, John; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and bass for Edmond Rice, by Barnes, E., Major; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder and flint for Lieut. Whitney, by Woods, Henry; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder, ball, and cartridge paper for Jedediah Tucker, Serj, by Whetcomb, Asa; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder, ball, flints, and paper for Capt. Brown, by Nixon, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for powder, balls, and flints for Capt. Asa Lawrence's company, by Woods, Henry; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking for supplies for Captain Bliss, by Paterson, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking him to deliver as many planks as necessary for a platform to Col. Whitcomb's encampment, by Palmer, Joseph Pearce (1775) Document to Major Barber asking him to deliver shot to Serj. Parsons, by Burbeck, William (1775) Document to Major Barber asking him to give cartridges to Mr. Niles for Captain Crafts's company, by Gridley, Scarboro (1775) Document to Major Barber asking him to give powder and ball to the bearer, by Sawyer, Ephraim; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asking him to give supplies to Ensign Stone for Capt. Dibbell's company, by Paterson, John (1775) Document to Major Barber asking that powder and ball be given the bearer, by Nutting, John; Barber, Nathaniel (1775) Document to Major Barber asks for cartridge paper, by HOLD & RAREen, Benjamin (1775) Document to Major Barber asks for cartridges and flints for Capt. Lock, by Gardner, Thomas (1775) Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 *****************Please make sure to check our other OLD & RARE eBooks collections Lists Each collection is unique~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please note: we use unbranded generic USB 2.0 Flash Drives Our USB flash drives are formatted so they can run on any Apple or Windows PC The USB flash drive Color vary and you might get different Color than the one in the picture *******************Returns & Exchange PolicyDue to the nature of the item being a USB and it can be copied, there is no return on this item, but if the item is faulty please contact US via eBay's messaging service for the returns address. The item must be returned within 14 days and once received, a replacement will be shipped to you. We suggest returning items via trackable delivery service. The Content of this USB has been collected and compiled by US. Reproduction and sale of this USB is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

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108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB108 Old American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts V.1 (1775) on USB

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