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265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD

Description: Your browser does not support JavaScript. To view this page, enable JavaScript if it is disabled or upgrade your browser. Click Here. Double your traffic. Get Vendio Gallery - Now FREE! This DVD is part of our Historic Map and Atlas Collection. We have dozens of Atlas maps on DVD ranging from the 1500s to the 1900s covering many areas and topics. Please Check our Ebay Store for what's available. FOR MANY MORE EDUCATIONAL CD TITLES ON THIS AND MANY OTHER SUBJECTS PLEASE VISIT OUR EBAY STORE VERY LARGE HIGH RESOLUTION MAP COLLECTION ON DVD!! (please see full table of contents and sample illustrations below) This DVD Contains 265 Maps of Texas Including 21 PANORAMIC MAPS of various Texas Cities These are scans of the ORIGINAL maps by various Cartographers. on DVD System requirements PC or Mac compatible. Files are simple PDF files with a basic HTML interface (just like viewing a webpage) Works with ALL versions of Windows. Maps of Texas 00062 Amerique Septentrionale Map of the New World showing borders of France, Spain, England, Shows California as an island. Sanson, Nicholas 1650 00110 Map of Texas and the Countries Adjacent: Emory, W. H This map accompanied the annexation treaty negotiated between the U.S. and Texas in 1844, and was part of the accompanying documentation sent to the Senate when the treaty was considered. For Texas to be annexed to the U.S. by treaty, the Senate had to ratify the treaty by 2/3 votes. It did not, and the treaty was defeated. As a result, the Texas annexation question became a political issue in the 1844 presidential election Compiled in the Bureau of the Corps of Topographical Engineers From the Best Authorities, For the State Departmen 1844 00113 Gray's New Map of Texas and Indian Territory Gray, Frank A 1876 00337 Mexico & Guatimala Lizars, Daniel 1833 00384 Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova Map of New Spain Ruscelli, G, 1564 0041016 Texas East portion. Asher & Adams 1874 0041017 Texas West portion. Asher & Adams 1874 00574 Map of The Republic of Texas John Arrowsmith's map of Texas published in 1841 quickly became known for its accuracy and soon became on of the most popular and influential maps of the new republic. Perhaps the first printed map to depict Texas's claim to the upper Rio Grande Valley, a claim which Texas maintained until the Compromise of 1850 adjusted the boundries, the map documented the development of towns and counties in Texas, pointing out the location of Indian tribes, roads, and natural features 1841 00587 A Map of the United States of Mexico In the first half of the 1800s, the map firm of Henry S. Tanner in Philadelphia was perhaps the most prestigious in the U.S. In 1822, Tanner issued a map of North America based upon the leading authorities of the day. In 1825, he reissued the southwestern portion of this map on a larger scale and entitled it A Map of the United States of Mexico. Especially important because the map was published in the year the United States went to war with Mexico. The map includes two tables: one, a table of distances between towns, and the other, a statistical table giving basic information about Mexican states, cities, and the produce grown in and the geography of each one. Tanner, H. S 1846 00594 Colton's map of Texas Colton, J. H 1861 00692 Map of Texas Shewing the Grants in Possession of the Colorado and Red River land Compy Marche, Konen 1835 00693 Map of Texas With Parts of the Adjoining States Austin, Stephen 1836 00781 County Map of the State of Texas Showing also Portions of the Adjoining States and Territories. Gamble, W. H 1881 00793 State of Texas. Rivers of Texas, coastal waterways, mineral resources such as silver and copper Burr, David H 1845 0089038 Texas. Bradford, Thomas G. 1838 0097001 A Correct Map Of The Seat Of War In Mexico. Bruff, J. Goldsborough ; Disturnell, John 1847 0122033 Map Of Mexico. Carey, H. C. ; Lea, I. ; Humboldt, Alexander von, 1822 0149041 Texas. Colton, G.W. 1856 0197015 Texas, California. Cornell, S. S. (Sarah S.) 1864 0262001 Map Of Texas And The Countries Adjacent. Emory, William H. 1844 0285032 Mexico. Finley, Anthony 1831 0534001 A New Map of Texas Oregon and California With The Regions Adjoining. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1846 0537036 Map Of Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1846 0565020 County Map Of Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1860 0586029 Map Of Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1880 0594030 Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1890 0730004 Map of The Internal Provinces of New Spain. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery 1810 0977031 Mexico & Guatemala Tanner, Henry S. 1836 1780038 Galveston, Charleston Harbor, Port Hudson. Gillmore, Quincy A.; United States. War Department 1895 1780054 Texas, pt. of N.M. War Department 1895 1780065 Coast of Texas. War Department 1895 1780161 Gen. map XXIII. Julius Bien & Co.; United States. War Department 1895 1780162 Gen. map XXIV. Julius Bien & Co.; United States. War Department 1895 2212260 Partie des Etats-Unis. Amer. Sep. 55. Vandermaelen, Philippe 1827 2212266 Partie du Mexique. Amer. Sep. 60. Vandermaelen, Philippe; Humboldt, Alexander von 1827 2239027 Texas. Lloyd, H. H 1873 2301033 Texas. Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney Edwards); Breese, Samuel 1845 2320001 Map Of The States Of Kansas And Texas And Indian Territory. U.S. War Department 1867 2483027 Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1870 2541001 Mapa de los Estados Unidos De Mejico. Disturnell, John 1847 2710032 Texas. Walling, H. F.; Gray, Ormando Willis; Lloyd, H. H. 1872 2743012 Texas. Lange, Henry 1854 2822001 Map Of The United States Of Mexico. Tanner, Henry S. 1846 2905021 Texas. Johnson, A.J. 1860 310014 Sectional Map of Texas Traversed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, Showing the crops adapted to each section, with the elevation and annual rainfall. 1904 310104 Karte des Staates, Texas map of the state of Texas drawn according to the boundaries regulated at Washington in September 1850 and confirmed by the Texas legislature at Austin 1851 3254001 State Of Texas. Texas and Pacific Railway 1878 3366001 J. De Cordova's Map Of The State Of Texas. De Cordova, Jacob ; Creuzbaur, Robert ; Colton, J.H. 1856 3559007 Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1847 3565131 Texas. Rand McNally and Company 1897 3688001 Map, Texas & Pacific Railway & connections. Texas and Pacific Railway 1903 3713000 Texas And Part Of Mexico. Bachmann, John 1861 3825018 State Of Texas. Rogers, Henry Darwin ; Johnston, Alexander Keith 1857 4453040 Texas. Goodrich, S.G. ; Bradford, Thomas G. 1841 4482001 Geographical Description Of The State Of Texas Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. ; Mitchell, Samuel Augustus 1846 4499001 Rand, McNally & Co.'s Texas. Rand McNally and Company 1902 4520036 Texas and Indian Territory Rand McNally and Company 1879 4577029 Mexico or New Spain. Carey, Mathew 1814 4584073 Mexico. Lucas, Fielding Jr 1823 4613044 Mexico. Arrowsmith, John 1844 4613061 Map Of Texas. Arrowsmith, John 1844 4656000 North Galveston. 1891 4723008 The Western Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon. Jefferys, Thomas 1775 4749001 Rand McNally ... Railroad And County Map Of Texas. Rand McNally and Company 1882 4764098 Louisiane, Cours du Mississipi. Lisle, Guillaume de 1718 4801001 J. De Cordova's Map Of The State Of Texas De Cordova, Jacob ; Creuzbaur, Robert ; G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. 1867 4807165 Texas. Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz; Meyer, Joseph 1846 4850064 Texas. Greenleaf, Jeremiah 1840 5024001 Texas David H Burr. 1835 5049001 State Of Texas. Texas Land and Immigration Company 1876 5050001 Route to Texas. A birds eye view of Texas showing the lines of the International & Great Northern Railroad. With the stamp of Henry H. Hannan, Swan Creek, Ohio. Includes 5 drawings: Pictures of productions on the International & Great Northern Railroad. International & Great Northern Railroad 1878 5140001 A New Map Of Texas, With The Contiguous American & Mexican States. Mitchell, Samuel Augustus ; Young, James H. 1836 5141000 Map of Texas and part of New Mexico. U.S. War Department, Topographical Engineers 1857 5158001 A Map Of The United States Of Mexico Tanner, Henry S. 1847 5176001 A Map Of The United States Of Mexico. Tanner, Henry S. 1826 5178000 Richardson's New Map Of The State Of Texas Richardson, W. & D. ; Desilver, Charles 1861 5179001 Texas of the United States of America. Galveston, Houston, & Henderson Railroad 1857 5234001 Railway, steamship lines Southern Pacific Co. Southern Pacific Company 1884 5237001 Texas and Mexico, Houston and Texas Central railways. Houston and Texas Central Railway 1885 5288000 Large Scale County and Railroad Map Of Texas. Rand McNally and Company 1891 5370023 Texas. Cram Atlas Company 1875 5396000 Nouvelle Carte du Mexique, Du Texas. Brue, Adrien Hubert 1840 5536001 Map of Mexico Showing the Seat of War Sinclair, Thomas 1846 82-63 Map of Texas Colton, J. H. and Co 1855 85-189 Clasons Texas Guide Map to Texas and Northern Mexico Clason's Texas Green Guide 1931 90-1681 Traveller's Map of the State of Texas. Pressler, Charles W 1867 90-329 A Geographically Correct County Map of the States Traversed by the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway and its Connections Wooward, Tiernan & Hale 1882 91-389 New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American & Mexican States Young, J. H 1836 95-2 Map of Texas and Part of New Mexico United States Army Bureau of Topographic Engineers 1857 ct000005 Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller), 1793-1836. Mapa topografico de la provincia de Texas. [1822?] ct000006 Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873. Map of Texas / compiled from surveys recorded in the Land Office of Texas and other official surveys by John Arrowsmith. London : John Arrowsmith, 1841. ct000090 Gilman, E. Sketch of Texas with the boundaries of Mexican States as shown on General Austins map of Texas published by R. S. Tanner, 1839. 1839. ct000344 International Boundary Commission, United States & Mexico. Boundaries between Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tam. (Mexico) [Washington, D.C. : The Norris Peters Co., 1910] ct000528 Hensoldt, E. A. The railroad system of Texas on September 1st, 1883 / drawn for the Galveston news by E.A. Hensoldt. Chicago : Rand McNally & Co., engravers , 1883 ct000529 Natural provinces : [Texas]. [1899?] ct000530 Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858. Map of Texas with parts of the adjoining states / compiled by Stephen F. Austin. 1837 ct000531 Blucher, Felix A. Map of western Texas and northern Mexico from authentical surveys / made by Felix A. Blucher, civil engineer surveyor, Nueces District ; drawn by F.G. Baltischweiler, draughtsman, Corpus Christi, June 1st, 1868. ct000532 Bissells railway junction point map of Texas / especially designed and adapted for the computation of shortline distances in the application of freight rates promulgated by the Railroad Commission of Texas. [1891] ct000538 Texas / nach den besten Quellen entw. u. gez. vom Hauptm. Radefeld. Hildburghausen : Stich, Druck und Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, [1846] ct000542 Schonberg & Co. Schonbergs map of Texas. [New York : Schonberg & Co., 1866] ct000546 Texas. Reclamation Dept. Tarrant County, Trinity River, Fort Worth sheet / The state of Texas, Reclamation Department ; topographic surveying, leveling, and mapping by Dixon B. Penick ... [et al.] ; primary traverse by R.G. Tyler, J.P. Murray, and J.B. Upchurch. Austin : Engraved and printed by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1915. ct000557 Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth), 1827-1901. Coltons new map of the state of Texas : the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana, and Arkansas / compiled from the official county maps of the General Land Office, the personal reconnaisances and geological explorations of Prof. A.R. Roessler, the surveys of the Mexican Boundary Commission, U.S. Coast Surveys, U.S. General Land Office, the various Rail Road Cos., information furnished by Mr. Pressler, and other authentic materials by G. Woolworth Colton. New York : G.W & C.B. Colton & Co., 1872. ct000558 Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 1830-1882. Map of the military dept of Texas : being a section of the map of the territory of the U.S. from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean / compiled from all the reliable data by Lt. G.K. Warren, T.E., under the direction of Capt. A.A. Humphreys, T.E. ; lith. of J. Bien. [Washington D.C.?] : Office Expl.ns and Surveys, War Dept, 1859. ct000559 O.W. Gray & Son. Grays railroad map of Texas. [S.l.], 1877-8. ct000560 King, W. B. Map of the city of Fort Worth and vicinity. [S.l., 188-?] ct000563 G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. Neue Karte de Staates Texas fur 1881. [S.l.], 1881. ct000565 Northern Texas Traction Co. [Map showing railroads and connecting lines of the Northern Texas Traction Co. from Ft. Worth to Dallas, Texas]. [Cleveland, Ohio] : L. Wertheimer, c1905. ct000566 Railroad map of the state of Texas / compiled and engraved expressly for the American railroad manual. [S.l. : s.n., 1873] ct000787 Dallas. Public Library. Texas and Local History Dept. Literary map of Texas. Compiled Sept. 25, 1955. [Dallas] First National Bank in Dallas [1955] ct000877 Standidge & Co. Map of Texas. [S.l., 184-?] ct001066 United States. Topographical Bureau. Map of Texas and the counties adjacent. [S.l.], 1844. ct001207 Dodge, Ira D. Railroad map of Texas, 1926 / compiled and issued by Ira D. Dodge. Dallas : Ira D. Dodge, 1926. ct001893 H.H. Lloyd & Co. County map of Texas, and Indian Territory. Chicago, Ill. : Warner & Beers, [1875] cw0446800 Bachmann, John. Panorama of the seat of war : birds eye view of Texas and part of Mexico / drawn from nature and lith. by John Bachmann. New York : John Bachmann, Publisher, c1861 la000928 Hamilton, Sam. R. Map of Collin County, Texas / Sam. R. Hamilton, del. ; assisted by T. B. Wilson, Co. Surv. Revised to date. St. Louis : Gast & Co., 1881. la000945 Strong, J. M. Official map of Dallas County, Texas / Murphy & Bolanz. Dallas, Tex. : Murphy & Bolanz, 1886. la000946 Street, Samuel M. Sam Streets map of Dallas County, Texas. Dallas, Tex. : Sam Street, 1900. la000951 Texas & Pacific Railway. Land Dept. Denton County, Texas. Marshall, Tex. : Land Dept., [187-] la000952 Texas. General Land Office. Map of Denton County, Texas. St. Louis : August Gast & Co., 1879. la000980 Texas. General Land Office. Map of Galveston Co., Texas. St. Louis : August Gast & Co., 1879. la000981 Island City Abstract and Loan Co. Map of the county and city of Galveston, Texas / compiled from original field notes and latest surveys. Galveston, Tex. : Island City Abstract and Loan Co., 1891 la000983 Texas. General Land Office. Galveston Co. Austin, Tex. : General Land Office, 1892. la000984 Texas. General Land Office. Gillespie County [Texas]. St. Louis : August Gast & Co., 1879. la001059 Texas. General Land Office. Llano County, state of Texas. Austin, Tex. : General Land Office, 1890. la001110 Texas. General Land Office. Rockwall Co. [Texas]. St. Louis : August Gast & Co., 1880. la001122 Roessler, A. R. Map of San Saba County : exhibiting the extent of public surveys, land grants, and other official information ; compiled from the records of the General Land Office at Austin, showing also geology, agriculture, and mineral districts and all important details / revised and corrected up to August 1876, A. R. Roessler. New York : Texas Land and Immigration Co., 1876. la002010 Map of the county of Galveston, Texas. Galveston, Tex. : Clarke & Courts, [1902?] pm000150 Henry Wellge & Co. Perspective map of, Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas. Beck & Pauli Lith. Milwaukee [1888?] pm009021 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Alvord, Texas. Morrisville, Pa., 1890. pm009030 Motter, E. E. Aeroplane view of business district Amarillo, Texas. Drawn by E. E. Motter. Copyright by G. C. Sturdivant. Amarillo, Panhandle Printing Company, c1912. pm009050 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Childress, Texas 1890 / drawn by T. M. Fowler. Morrisville, Pa. : [s.n., 1890] pm009060 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Clarendon, Texas, Donley Co. 1890 / drawn by T. M. Fowler. Morrisville, Pa. [1890] pm009070 Giraud, Paul, del. & sculp. Dallas, Texas. With the projected river and navigation improvements viewed from above the sister city of Oak Cliff. [Dallas?] Dallas Lith. Co., 1892. pm009080 Norris, Wellge & Co. Denison, Texas, Grayson County 1886. Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee [1886] c1885. pm009081 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Denison, Grayson County, Texas 1891. Drawn by T. M. Fowler. Morrisville, Pa., T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer [1891] pm009100 Wellge, H. (Henry) Fort Worth, Tex., "The Queen of the Prairies," county seat of Tarrant County 1886. H. Wellge, sk. Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee, Norris, Wellge & Co., 1886. pm009110 Wellge, H. (Henry) Perspective map of Fort Worth, Tex. 1891. H. Wellge, sk. Milwaukee, American Publishing Co. [1891] pm009130 Wellge, H. (Henry) Greenville, Tex., county seat of Hunt County 1886. H. Wellge, sk. Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee, Norris, Wellge & Co. [1886] c1885. pm009140 Wellge, H. (Henry) Honey Grove, Tex. Fannin County 1886. [Drawn by] H. Wellge. Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee, Norris, Wellge & Co. [1886] c1885. pm009150 Houston, Texas ... 1891. [n.p., 1891] pm009160 Hopkins & Motter. Houston--a modern city. Houston, c1912. pm009171 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas. Morrisville, Pa., T. M. Fowler & J. B. Moyer, 1891. pm009180 American Publishing Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.) Perspective map of the city of Laredo, Texas, the Gateway to and from Mexico. Presented with the compliments of the Laredo Real Estate & Abstract Co. Milwaukee [1892?] pm009200 Glover, E. S. City and harbor of Port Arthur, Texas birds eye view looking south to the Gulf of Mexico. [Port Arthur?] Port Arthur Board of Trade, c1912. pm009203 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Sunset, Montague Co., Texas, 1890. Drawn by T. M. Fowler. Morrisville, Pa., T. M. Fowler & J. B. Moyer [1890] pm009210 Norris, Wellge & Co. Waco, Texas, county seat of McLennan Cy. 1886. Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee, 1886. pm009220 Westyard, A. L. Waco, Texas 1892. [n.p.] D.W. Ensign & Co. [1892] pm009221 Fowler, T. M. (Thaddeus Mortimer), 1842-1922. Wolfe City, Texas 1891. Drawn by T. M. Fowler. Morrisville, Pa., T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer [1891] rr001710 Pope, John, 1822-1892. From the Red River to the Rio Grande from explorations and surveys made under the direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War by Captain John Pope, Corps Topl. Engrs. assisted by Lieutenant Kenner Gerrard, 1st Dragoons, 1854-6. [Washington, D.C., 1859] rr003040 Rand McNally and Company. Texas railroads. Chicago, 1900. rr003930 Bien, Julius, 1826-1909. Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company, [map showing the proposed railroad between Laredo and Corpus Christi and its connections with Mexico]. New York, [1874] rr004290 G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. Map showing the Houston & Texas Central Railroad and its connections, prepared at Coltons Geographic Establishment, N.Y., 1867. New York, 1867. rr005510 Gentry, A. M. Map of Texas showing the Sabine and Galveston Bay Rail Road, or Texas and New Orleans Air Line Rail Line, its connections in the U.S. and adjacent territories. N[ew] Y[ork], 1859. rr005770 Gentry, A. M. Map of Texas, showing the line of the Texas and New Orleans Rail Road, and its connections in the U.S. and adjacent territories. [n.p.], 1860. rr005780 G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. Map of the state of Texas showing the line and lands of the Texas and Pacific Railway reserved and donated by the State of Texas, 1873. New York, 1873. 0027005 0041015 0041018 0073017 0073018 0151047 0152046 0352033 0358038 0425115 0425117 0466072 0535031 0545039 0572030 0579031 0592031 0693037 0693049 0960102 1012077 1071007 1071011 1071012 1550042 1690096 1954096 2054035 2094050 2094051 2134087 2212259 2225046 2307022 2449092 2449093 2464000 2470045 2514027 2575000 2585073 2721034 2741060 2802001 2802002 2809049 2809050 2809052 2844063 2861022 2866064 2871035 2914000 3007060 3007062 3083044 3119001 3139001 3254A 3254B 3471009 3471013 3501000 3688A 3688B 3803029 3888031 4073001 4323012 4324023 4328027 4557025 4574028 4578036 4587046 4613061 4651000 4652000 4727041 4727042 4727043 4727044 4740040 4750002 4765081 4765092 4825045 4850064 4977032 4977034 4977036 5028121 5028123 5028124 5028125 5041032 5049A 5049B 5050A 5050B 5161050 5237A 5237B 5325000 5363036 5435000 5479074 5699013 5745031 5755031 5755049 5784030 6727027 6823002 6921127 Features of this DVD This auction is for a DVD of the maps listed in electronic form, NOT the maps themselves. These maps are VERY high resolution and can be printed at FULL SCALE or LARGER for framing and display. The results are very high quality and convincing. Ad and disk Copyright 2019 Euriskodata All Rights Reserved Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

Price: 7.99 USD

Location: Clarkston, Georgia

End Time: 2023-11-26T18:51:40.000Z

Shipping Cost: 3.95 USD

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265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD265 maps TEXAS state PANORAMIC genealogy old HISTORY teaching REPUBLIC atlas DVD

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